“Look, just go study, remind everyone what a learny maniac you are,” I told her, she hugged me fiercely and left. Through a window I watched her laying out vidcarpet in a livingroom for all to see, Hue be honest, is this really what[…]
I'll fight against any kind of development in Iqaluk, Billy, barring the logging leases we've already signed, but if you decide you want to go after subsurface mineral development and you get your way, it's better for all of us to deal with Dan, someone who knows us and knows our ways, than some yahoo with a deploma so new, the ink isn't dry on it yet.
In practical terms, Nigeria has combined both ideologies in what is usually tagged a mixed economic system. This simply boils down to a combination of complex and probably conflicting strategies for national development planning in Nigeria.
It is thus evident that the founders of Deoband combined at this institution not only the academic and juridical orders of Islam but also the four Sufistic orders.