One League player showcased a superb wombo combo in a Reddit post yesterday, which began with Gnar and Sett’s ultimates and ended with a Vayne pentakill.
If the Chineſe had Liberty to ſettle in Formoſa, ſeveral Families would gladly tranſplant themſelves thither ; but in order thereto they muſt obtain Paſsports from the Mandarins of China, who grant them with Difficulty, and not without taking Security.
The Mandarins are very careful to examine all that paſs into or out of the Iſland, and ſome of them extort Money under-hand. This extraordinary Precaution is the Effect of good Policy eſpecially as the Tartars are Maſters of China ; for Formoſa is a Place of great Importance, and if a Chineſe ſhould ſeize it, he might raiſe great Troubles in the Empire : ſo that the Emperor keeps a Garriſon there of ten thouſand Men, commanded by a Tſong-ping, or Lieutenant-General, two Fû-tſyang, or Major-General, and ſeveral inferior Officers; who are chang’d duely every three years, or oftner, if there be Occaſion.
A chupen is a liaison agent between the section of the village which he represents and the gup (an elected head of a block of villages). […] The gups and maangi-aps have been a central feature of Bhutanese village life since the 17th century. The gup has traditionally been an intermediary between the community and the state.
You eat it fresh, like, after a large meal. It is a digestivo, it helps the digestion. Some people bake it with cheese but I prefer it fresh, like. Multi anni fa (many years ago), queers was boiled in water with finocchio, that’s why they are called finocchii today.