Scores of the old rune-stones speak of the Warings and Captains and Shipmen (and perhaps, now and then, Merchants or Pilgrims going to or from the Holy Land) who served in Greece , in Greekland , who gained wealth in Greece , who died in Greekland , who were mere Greek farers , visited Greek Havens &c. in the 10th, 11th, 12th centuries.
The average member of the public has only a vague idea of the wide-ranging integration of effort needed to put on an intensive train service like the Southern's and run it with so high a degree of safety and reliability.
Old Faithful is sometimes degraded by being made a laundry. Garments placed in the crater during quiescence are ejected thoroughly washed when the eruption takes place.
He starts out by saying that there are three sights, the mene, treble, and quadreble, but actually he discusses only two, the treble and quadreble, both of which are read at the transposition of an octave.