If either player overcounts or undercounts his hand (or crib or play), after he has finished pegging the wrong number, not before, the opponent may say, Muggins, show him the error, have him peg correctly, and then add to his own score the number of overpoints or underpoints.
It calls for methods of thinking, of writing texts, and of investigation that expand and extend our knowledge of how our everyday/everynight worlds are put together, determined and shaped as they are by forces and powers beyond our practical and direct knowledge.
In particular, they set Kerouac and Ginsberg to the specifications of an emergent superficial form—celluloid antiheroes—attractive to those in want of adventure and who would soon be reading On the Road (1957).
Omnisexually voracious Catherine likes to provoke her lovers, so there are a tantalizing number of suspects with motive. One is Roxy (Leilani Sarelle), her jealous lesbian girlfriend.