This means that APLers can take great strides in moving APL applications towards the machine efficiencies...
In the second case, continuing training and sensibilisation by PLAN instructors and animatrices is indispensable; otherwise the formation of committees and the selection of village paraprofessionals would be meaningless.
...her Inhabitants breathe nothing but an impure and thick Mist, accompanied with a fuliginous and filthy vapour, which renders them obnoxious to a thousand inconveniences, corrupting the Lungs, and disordering the entire habit of their Bodies; so that Catharrs, Phthisicks, Coughs and Consumptions, rage more in this one City, than in the whole Earth besides.
Soon Anhui “experiences” were being reproduced in Southeast Shansi. Wuhsiang County collectives sent 7,000 out of 15,000 draft animals back to their former owners.]