On the 31st of July he arrived at Kiukiang, and in August, in company with the Rev. C. V. Hart, Superintendent of the Methodist Episcopal Mission, visited Nanchang, the capital of Kiangsi, which had been entered by Protestant missionaries but twice before, and in two days he sold 300 Portions.
Bilingual corpora can be used for synset validation in a more fruitful way, especially having in mind the request that all synsets from a wordnet for a language other than English have to be associated, if possible, with an English synset using ILI.
Imagine a party in full swing, with everyone roaring drunk and falling over. My no-work-while-the-sun-shines ethos has meant that the garden is rather grandly Havisham-esque.
The daily rat race is soul-destroying: you soon give up all aspirations and just try to survive the boredom.