He has another appointment on Thursday. In other words, I don't think he'll be attending your gathering.
The Nationall Aſſembly of this Kirk, from which we have our Commiſſion, did promiſe in their thankſgiving for the many favours expreſſed in Your Majeſties Letter, their beſt endeavours to keep the people under their charge, in unity and peace, and in loyalty and obedience to Your Majeſtie and Your Laws, which we confeſſe is a duty well beſeeming the preachers of the Goſpel: […]
Johnson closed the window and looked down at the rest of the articles. One near the bottom caught his attention. Murder reported in Orlando bus station. He double-tapped that article and turned to its window.
They were a fine lot of fellows, in their pale blue, tight-fitting jackets, jaunty busbys and white riding breeches with the double yellow stripe […]