Piggy banks are helpful for persons with peniaphobia, an abnormal fear of poverty.
An English friend once said to me, “Meditation is decidedly foreign. not to be done in polite society. Rather like sex, it scares the horses!”
In my opinion, the truth is the opposite: it does not scare the horses, and we should not be afraid of it.
In research on gentling rats, in 1921, Dr Hammett found that gentled rats were less likely to die, after the removal of their thyroid and parathyroid glands, than ungentled rats.
[I]f there is one Retrenchment in a Work, it is generally thought ſufficient; but it happens much oftener than there is none at all; ſo that one might be apt to think, a Defence like that we have been explaining is only chimerical, if the Sieges of Vienna and Candy, both by the Turks, were not inſtances of the contrary, where there was hardly an inch of Ground either within or without thoſe two Towns, as far as the Extremities of the Glacis, and even beyond them, but what was retrenched and countermined.