
Then they holde that he is bounde to performe it for sauinge of his outhe thoughe he intended nat to be boūden but if he intēded to be bounde by his promise / then they say that an othe nedeth not but to enforce the {pro}myse for they say he breketh the lawe of reasō whiche is yᵗ we may do nothyng agaynste the trouthe / as well when he breketh his promyse that he thought in his owne herte to be boūde by as he dothe whē he breketh his othe thoughe the offence be not so greate by reasō of the periury more ouer to that thou sayste that vpon suche promyses as thou hast rehersyd before shal lye an accyō after the lawe canon verylye as to yᵗ in this realme there cā no acciō lye theron in yᵉ spiritual courte if yᵉ promyse be of a temporall thynge for a {pro}hybicion or a premunire facias shulde lye in that case.


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