We could still recognize the troughs that served for the manipulation of the bread, and the oven, the arch of which is intact, with the cavity that retained the ashes, the vase for water to besprinkle the crust and make it shiny, and, finally, the triple-flued pipe that carried off the smoke — an excellent system revealed by the Pompeian excavations and successfully imitated since then.
I am super new to the twitter writing community so I know only one other writer which is @girlishnovels and I am obsessed with her writeblr as well omg
For as we haue many members in one body, and all members haue not the same office:
How does erotetic logic help us see what is happening in teaching? […] We shall use a version of the Hintikka/Åqvist theory of erotetic logic throughout this chapter […] Hintikkian erotetic logic is thoroughly intentional and hence adapts well to the intentional contexts of teaching.