I'm guessing we're in this changing room so you can try to change back? Heh. No! Cat girl-ageddon is too much of a risk! We've gotta be smart about this!
The day-after recall test is one of the original forms of advertising research, but few people still use it because the data and analysis are limited.
If the plate-out problem is related to stabilizer composition, great help can be obtained from the stabilizer manufacturers, which for the most part can adjust the composition of their highly proprietary products to minimize these problems.
Grenard says (pp. 183-184) that he examined the remains of what is called the old town of Charchan, traces of the ancient canal, ruins of dwellings deep into the sand, of which the walls built of large and solid-baked bricks, are pretty well preserved. Save these bricks, I found hardly anything, the inhabitants have pillaged everything long ago. I attempted some excavating, which turned out to be without result, as far as I was concerned; but the superstitious natives declared that they were the cause of a violent storm which took place soon after. There are similar ruins in the environs, at Yantak Koudouk, at Tatrang, one day's march to the north, and at Ouadjchahari at five days to the north-east, which corresponds to the position assigned to Lop by Marco Polo. (See Grenard's Haute Asie on Nia.)