I miss my family in Teochew. […] Returning to Teochew now is also not an option […]
Colonel. On the contrary, it is just coming into view. As a bachelor, I like a couple of rooms; but as a married man, I must spread myself over a house. Lady Alice. Ha!—in other words, I’m to be turned out to make way for the Coloneless! Colonel. (Rising.) There, you have hit it! Lady Alice. I forgive you, in favor of your wife, though I own I do not like moving. I am quite a creature of habit, and I own I like the place. Colonel. (Leaning on the back of the Lady Alice’s chair.) Keep on liking it. Don’t move. Lady Alice. But the Coloneless? Colonel. She will be perfectly agreeable, provided— Lady Alice. Provided? Colonel. That you changed your name.
And they responded to her character, the even-keeled sous-chef Sydney Adamu, a kind of stand-in for every unflappable Gen Z-er who suspects that they might have a better idea of how to run a workplace than their chaotic boss.
To guide the sun's bright chariot for a day.