Aircraft used to spread Agent Orange and other defoliants were known as Smokey Bears.
There I lay on one side with a thin and rotten plank between the dead man and me, dazed with the blow to my head, and breathing hard; while the glow of torches as they came down the passage reddened and flickered on the roof above.
Lying there, on a shake-down comfortable enough, made up of dried lallang - the thick, strong grass of the country - covered by a scarlet blanket, and looking very feeble and wan, was my old chum of bygone years in the --th Regiment!
And this is where selfcest comes in. For those unfamiliar with Adventure Time, it has two series: the main, phallogocentric one, Adventure Time, and another spin-off version, Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake, in which gender-flipped versions of the original characters are presented. Marceline spawns Marshall Lee, Jake turns into Cake, Finn becomes Fionna, Princess Bubblegum is chewed up and spat out as Prince Gumball… you get the picture. Enter Fanfiction, which causes them to hook up. Creepy, yes.