Ironically, our Japanese-born colleague Seiji, who came from a culture that did not circumcise, had no problem with it. In fact, he was amazing to behold. Seiji could finish a slice and dice, as we called it, before I could even get my gloves on. Bob and I would change every poopy, slimy diaper in that nursery just to stall until Seiji finished the circs.
This delightful four-platform station [Bognor Regis] is still controlled by semaphore signals and boasts a lovely red-brick Edwardian building with steel canopies, crowned with a clocktower which dates from 1902.
While I was assigned to the parachute shop, although I was in charge and was the senior NCO in charge of two other SSgt's and seven airmen, I was still only a five level and could not be promoted to TSgt without making a seven level.
Lucifer […] was þe louelokest of siȝt aftir oure lord / Til he brake buxumnesse.