ヤベーよ 二(に)週(しゅう)連(れん)続(ぞく)モザイクトーン使(し)用(よう)だよ ネタ切(ぎ)れだと思(おも)われるよ しかも 将(しょう)軍(ぐん)あっちの方(ほう)は将(しょう)軍(ぐん)じゃねーよ 足(あし)軽(がる)だよ
Yabē yo Nishū renzoku mozaiku tōn shiyō da yo Netagire da to omowareru yo Shikamo shōgun atchi no hō wa shōgun ja nē yo Ashigaru da yoWe’re screwed! We’ve been using pixelated imagery two weeks in a row now! People will think we’re running out of ideas! And his bit down there is barely a shōgun! More like a foot soldier!