しかし、次(つぎ)のような記(き)事(じ)もあった。「驚(おど)ろくべき不(ふ)逞(てい)鮮(せん)人(じん)の跋(ばっ)扈(こ)井(い)戸(ど)に猫(ネコ)イラズを投(とう)入(にゅう)し随(ずい)所(しょ)に放(ほう)火(か) 警(けい)官(かん)已(や)むなく是(ここ)を殺(さつ)害(がい)す八(はち)十(じゅう)名(めい)以(い)上(じょう)逮(たい)捕(ほ)せり」
Shikashi, tsugi no yō na kiji mo atta. “Odoroku beki futei senjin no bakko ido ni neko irazu o tōnyū shi zuisho ni hōka keikan yamunaku koko o satsugai su hachijū-mei ijō taiho seri”But there were also reports such as the following: “Is it any surprise with disloyal Koreans throwing rat poison in wells and starting fires all over the place that police have recently had to arrest more than eighty murderers?”