Gojūon no soto ni, mata, isshu no jukuon ari. Kore o dakuon, oyobi, handakuon to iu. Dakuon to wa, hon'on o nigorite yobu mono nite, shion no naka, ka, sa, ta, ha, no shigyō no shoon o iu. Kono on o shimesu ni wa betsu ni, sono moji naku, hon'on no kana no kata ni, niko no shōten o kuwau. Sunawachi, hidari no gotoshi.Outside the fifty sounds, there is yet another class of complex sounds. These are called ‘muddy sounds’ and ‘semi-muddy sounds’. Muddy sounds are the base child sounds of the four rows ka, sa, ta and ha, being muddied up when they are pronounced. There are no letters to specifically note these sounds, so two small dots are added on the shoulders of the kana for the base sounds, as shown on the left.