Well sir? how triflingly soeuer you trauers the matter, these my Philosophicall proceedings (for any thing hitherto heard) might fullie suffice to put your fantasticall fooleries to a perpetuall non-sute: were you not like to the rauenous Ferret, which rendeth in peeces whatsoeuer poore Rabbet doth come in her reach. And therefore it shall not be amisse to cope vp your lips a little, by taking foorthwith so strict a course as you shall neuer be able to contradict with all your skill: which may in this sort be verie fitly effected.
A cord, in passing round a pulley, lies in a groove, sometimes called the gorge of the pulley; if the object of the pulley is merely to support, guide, or strain the cord, the gorge may be considerably wider than the cord; if the pulley is to drive or to be driven by the cord, so as to transmit motive power, the gorge must in general fit the cord closely, or even be of a triangular shape, so as to hold it tight.
The Indians carried first our canoes and then our stores through the brushwood, which is very thick at this point, while we four whites, our rifles on our shoulders, walked between them and any danger coming from the woods.
It's a difference between action and inaction. Anybody can talk a good game.