These works he [Oliver Goldsmith] produced without any elaborate research, by merely selecting, abridging, and translating into his own clear, pure, and flowing language, what he found in books well known to the world, but too bulky or too dry for boys and girls.
Brian's crevasse shot also needed additional detail, so we found a small slot on a tiny glacier above the Cove.
Further changes in neurochemistry in pregnant/parous females (e.g., changes in neuropeptides, opioids, neurotransmitters, etc.; Bridges, Felicio, Pellerin, Stuer, & Mann 1993 ; Keverne & Kendrick, 1990 ; Kinsley & Bridges, 1988 ), may render neurons from a pregnant or lactating female substantially different in form and function than those taken from NULL females.
We ourselves have been applied to by a gentleman whose name is well known in the coursing world, for permission to cross some of his Greyhound bitches with the Bull-Terriers Tarquin and Sallust. The object of this was his desire to instill stamina and pluck into his breed, which he fancied was degenerating in these qualifications, and need not be gone into here. The result of the first Bull-Terrier cross, in each instance, was a large-framed, though light-boned and rather narrow-chested dog, with, for a Bull-Terrier, very snipy jaws, and possessing the peculiar action of the Greyhound in a marked degree. The difficulty of breeding out the last point alluded to struck us the moment we saw the animals move; and the original introducers of this blood into the Bull-Terrier – if there are such persons in existence – deserve considerable credit for their perseverance in their endeavours. However, not having the slightest desire to experimentalise in the matter, we are unable to give further information as regards the cross, so far as it affects the Bull-Terrier, beyond the fact that the dog puppies were at once destroyed by their owner, the females alone being retained by him for the purpose of working out his experiment.