As a result of the accident at Southend Airport when a Hermes aircraft overshot the runway and fouled the down Shenfield to Southend Victoria line between Rochford and Prittlewell, the Eastern Region is considering warning arrangements, which have already been provided on some lines running past aerodromes.
What shall be said to my sister? We cannot steal from her without saying something, as she would conclude we were murdered, apply to the ambassador, and bring on the very exposé we desire to avoid.
Abbreviations: BP, basipterygoid process; BT, basal tuber; CP, capitate process; CA, crista antotica; CO, crista otosphenoidea; CT, crista tuberalis; FM, foramen magnum; OC, occipital condyle; OF, olfactory fenestra; OR, orbital recess; PP, paroccipital process; PSR, parasphenoidal rostrum; PTF, posttemporal fenestra; SNC, sagittal nuchal crest; STF, supratemporal fenestra; TNC, transverse nuchal crest; V, trigeminal foramen.
Therefore ſhould every Souldier in the Warres doe as euery ſicke man in his Bed, waſh euery Moth out of his Conſcience: and dying ſo, Death is to him aduantage; or not dying, the time was blessedly loſt, wherein ſuch preparation was gayned: […]