a locative adjective
a segment of rope
The problem with buffalo as well as most African antelopes as a steady diet is that they have very little marbling or body fat and, after six months out in the blue, one dreams at night of a T-bone steak sizzling in great globules of yellow fat.
The reply from one large branch of the musculo-cutaneous in the forearm is abolished, but not the reply from the other. 3rd section, replies from musculo-cutaneous in forearm abolished; from Ist and IInd palmar and dorsal digitales collaterales reduced. 4th section, replies from Ist, IInd, and IIIrd collateral digitals, both dorsal and plantar, abolished; from the IVth, Vth, and VIth dorsal collaterals obviously diminished; from the IVth palmar collateral obviously diminished.
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