This all his care, this all his whole indevour, To this his minde and senses he doth bend, How he may flow in quiets matchles treasour, Content with any food that God doth send; 140 And how his limbs, resolv'd through idle leisour, Unto sweete sleepe he may securely lend, In some coole shadow from the scorching heat, The whiles his flock their chawed cuds do eate.
I think, said Anne to Madame de Mercœur, we must obtain your protégée's services for our intended masque; however, I shall leave that to you young people to settle, turning to Louis as she spoke.
He thanks our miserable Liberal agent, an unbeliever called Donald Somebody, see the caption, who since the court's arrival on his territory has retired into a fuming sulk from which he has only tonight emerged.
No, fair Kate, rejoined Henry; so as I have voluntarily proclaimed myself thy prisoner, in good sooth I may not permit this earl to run loose and gain fresh fame whilst we are here bound in chains of love : therefore, Earl of March. we command thee to ungauntlet,—and now your hand.