to secure a prisoner; to secure a door, or the hatches of a ship
The reader finds him/herself in a Fieldingesque landscape full of ruddy life but marked by scepticism about human motivation and about enthusiasm and pretension in all its guises.
A Biſhop then muſt be blameleſſe, the huſband of one wife, vigilant, ſober, of good behauiour, giuen to hoſpitalitie, apt to teach; Not giuen to wine, no ſtriker, not greedy of filthy lucre, but patient, not a brawler, not couetous; One that ruleth well his owne houſe, hauing his children in ſubiection with all grauitie. (For if a man know not how to rule his owne houſe, how ſhall he take care of the Church of God?)
Love who you want but y'all know stemming the rose ain't right and you'll have to answer for dat sheeet!
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