The heavy floes and hummocked blocks, so beautiful and peaceful—looking only a few days before, now assumed a totally different aspect. The sea was gradually rising, a swell perceptible, and the ship bumping with increasing thuds against these rolling spur-projecting dangers.
Voice teachers who emphasize relaxation are loath to use such words as 'pinch' or 'squeeze' in relation to singing. Catford and Laver, whose field is primarily the phonetics of speech rather than singing, both considered 'full glottal phonation' to be the 'normal' setting for speech as well as for the falsetto voice […]. They advised against 'anterior phonation,' maintaining that it results in a somewhat 'tight,' 'hard,' 'sharp,' 'metallic,' or 'tense' speaking voice, and is probably associated with a high laryngeal position.
We’re leaving these shores for our time has come, the days of our youth must now end. The hearts bitter anguish, it burns for the home that we’ll never see again.
Smoothness can vary from 0 (for a nondifferentiable function) to infinity (for a smooth function).