Often described as the Citizen Kane of dismemberment movies, this cult-movie masterpiece set the standards for the bizarros-who-turn-their-home-into-a-human-slaughterhouse horror genre.
The Count strode away as if he had secured seven-league boots, and in less time than it seemed possible, though it was an age to Lady Anne (...), he returned with two bank of England notes in his hand, which he put into the bailiff's, saying,—There's your money for yourself and all. You have proper behavour, and will make no say of this littel matter.
He expected a stomp or a fist against the table but instead she held still and he thought he noticed her shoulders moving up and down in slight huffs.
In general, the usefulness of the thallophytes as Hg bioindicators was limited by their sporadic occurrence in the forest environment. Because of the importance of the thallophytes as components of the food chain, however, several samples from different groups (summarized in Table 2) were collected for comparison with values reported in the literature.