Against the text in Sango, the beat becomes more urgent and polyrhythmic, shifting from what began as a reggae-like underfeel to a fast rumba.
The ſpiculated, or needle-like form of the ſaline concentrations, ſometimes found in magneſia alba, quoted by Mr. Glaſs, from Dr. Black, is common in the incipent chryſtallization of all ſalts: and the charging the ſalts, in this ſtate, with a vellicating and pungent action, in conſequence of their form, is the reviving an error, long exploded, on the moſt demonſtrative principles.
Sin in its own nature tendeth to nothing, but the ruine and eternal destruction of a Soul: it must be from the aboundings of grace, if any good come to the soul from sin […]
And that woman (God bless her), a real skinny ugliness, with dyed black hair like a gypsy, and a tongue that ran stoplessly on relentless ball-bearings, was so jealous of Little Hannah that, if it were only possible, she would have ripped and hacked her to pieces just with her eyes.