A hacker starts with nothing but a dream and a floppy disk and presently finds himself in a business that's doubled and trebled.
You have with much labour, and some charge, purchased to your self so many Quadragenes or Lents of pardon; that is, you have bought off the penances of so many times forty dayes. It is well; but were you well advised, it may be your Quadragenes are not Carenes; that is, are not a quitting the severest penances of fasting so long in bread and water; for there is great difference in the manner of keeping a penitential Lent, and it may be you have purchased but some lighter thing; and then if your demerit arise to so many Carenes, and you purchased but mere Quadragenes, without a minute and table of particulars, you may stay longer in Purgatory than you expected... And they that read... will soon perceive that all this is but a handful of smoke, when you hold it, you hold it not.
[I]f you doe not all ſhew like guilt twoo pences to mee, and I in the cleere skie of Fame, ore-ſhine you as much as the full moone doth the cindars of the element, (which ſhew like pinnes heads to her) beleeue not the worde of the noble: […] [I]f you do not all appear like gilt twopences [i.e., counterfeit coins] next to me, and I, in the clear sky of fame, outshine you as much as the full moon outshines the cinders of the element i.e., the stars, then don't believe me: […]
As an example, let us take a ratio which is two-thirds of a quadruple. Since 2 is the numerator, we shall have one-third of a quadruple ratio squared, namely a sedecuple ratio.
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