First and foremost, alternative country artists generally claim to reject mainstream country music as musically indistinguishable from bland pop music, as lyrically superficial, and as having no artistic merit […]
How often have we seen works of the highest estimation as to subject, and effect, when seen at such a distance as to preclude the appearance of its rough indexterous handling, or the coarse granulated surface on which some smooth skies, etc. have been pretended in small water colour drawings of late; as to force one to say on closer view, 'What a pity it was, that so great a genius did not learn that essential in the art, which is indispensable, even in painting a tea-tray:' and I shall venture to object to that dexterity of hand (except in sketching), which throws too thick a lump of paint on the high lights of clouds, because such lumps will have under shadows; it is not so IN NATURE.
movable and Gradient Automata
Every trick that money can play with the most lavish abundance of water is here exhibited; nor is the sight of a jet d'eau, or the murmur of an artificial cascade, undelightful in a hot day, let the Nature-mongers say what they please.