Pride goeth before the fall.
To VVrangle the Devil, out of the Country, vvill be truly a Nevv Experiment! Alas, vve are not Avvare of the Devil, if vve do not think, that he aims at Enflaming us one againſt another; & ſhall vve ſuffer our ſelves to be Devil-Ridden? or, by any Vnadviſableneſs, contribute unto the VVidening of our Breaches?
When a Ship from America arrives at one of the Keys, to be unladen, and the King's Weighers and Landwaiters are ready, a Tackle Porter and some Ticket Porters, set inmediately to work upon her, and land seven Draughts (Hogsheads, &c.) and none are permitted to partake of the Profits of unlading that Ship, but such as come before the seven Draughts are landed and weighed; this finish'd, the Tackle Porters present, chuse the Book, who takes an Account of the Quantities and Marks of each Person's Goods, and sees them put into Ware-houses or sent Home.
Willet sent the canoe through the open water between the tall reeds.
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