All the thrills, chills and spills of pulse-pounding sport adventure! […] 150,000 words of thrill-packed sports text gives you the pulse-pounding story … how the Big Ten grew from a small-time bunch of upstart Westerners into the nation's mightiest collegiate conference …
If Lloyd George’s endearments to mistress Frances Stevenson – “My darling Pussy. You might phone… on Friday if you can come. Don’t let Hankey see you” – had been made similarly public, would he have maintained his own reputation as a towering statesman?
David studied Kel for a moment and considered the question. His former running buddy was a big man who'd learned early how to use his size to intimidate people. To bogart his way past resistance to instant gratification, whether it was for advantage in a one-on-one at the hoops or with a woman in bed.
I asked Thady a minute later what nests he knew of. Galore, he answered, grinning. And then proceeded to enumerate them : " A lintie (a linnet), a green grosbeak (greenfinch), a Harry redcap (goldfinch), a yellow yeorling by the roadside, a scobby (chaffinch), a lavrock (skylark), a cushie-doo (a wood pigeon), a cutty wren (common wren), a nanny washtail (pied wagtail) in the rocks, and two tom-titers of sorts.