In 1563, pirates expelled from their base on Namoa Island on the Guangdong border, took refuge on Taiwan, which was to remain an important pirate lair until the arrival of the Dutch, followed by Chinese and then Manchu forces in the seventeenth century.
The wall text accompanying Warhol’s small canvas with 12 electric-blue crucifixes silkscreened on a black background suggests that the repetition of crosses mirrors his Campbell’s soup cans, with the religious icon serving as “a commodity to be bought and sold.”
Mr. Trump then used his free hand to lunge towards Bobby Engel, and, when Mr. Ornato had recounted the story to me, he had motioned towards his clavicles.
[…] but I had the story from some French officers of distinction, who mentioned the name of the injured and prudent husband, and that he was a person of very high rank. That name, however, even if I had not forgotten it, I should not think it fair to repeat, because it would seem to be a matter of some moment to the gentleman though he was an Acteon, not to be thought so.