Doner than a flank steak at a West Texas truck stop. Doner than Michael Vick's chances at next year's NFL citizenship award
The Paſſage from Canton to Chao-kin is by Water. At the Diſtance of five Leagues we meet with Fo-chan, the greateſt Village in the World. I call it a Village becauſe it has no Walls, nor any particular Governor, though it is happy in a great Trade, and conſiſts of more Inhabitants, and even Houſes, than Canton it being computed to contain a Million of Souls at leaſt. The Jeſuits of the Province of Japan have a fine Church there, and a numerous Flock. Twelve Leagues above Fo-chan, the River is divided into three Arms; the one comes from the North, the other runs to Chao-kin and the third to Canton.
[T]he modern Philosophy holds the Eternity of the Earth, or at least an Antiquity of 50,000 Years; & Mr. Byers gets thirty Zecchines apiece for his Infidel Lectures from all the English who travel thro' Rome […] .
For the first ten years of nationalisation a further note of overall gloom was added by the depressing policy of unimaginative Regional colour schemes, indifferently applied.