But when pedants have the effrontery to address the public from the pulpit or the chair, in technical phraseology, calculated singly for the school, that cannot be properly charged on any philosophic system, any more than the follies of a logodaedalist are to be charged on grammar.
Even by theſe Men, Religion, that ſhould be / The curb, is made the ſpur to tyranny: / They with their double key of conſcience bind / The Subjects ſouls, and leave Kings unconfin'd; […]
And for Fijian - to maintain the Old High Fijian exonorm, which has been the variety most frequently seen in print and uttered by officialdom, or to build on the indigenous Standard Fijian.
But after all that can be ſaid of the Doctrine of the Greek Church, one may in a great Meaſure apply to the hodiernal Grecians, not only what was ſaid of the Grecians by St. Paul, Tit[us] 1. 12, 13. but alſo what the Pagan Satyriſt declares of them in general, Græculus eſuriens in cœlum, juſſeris, ibit. [A hungry Greek will go into heaven, if you command. — Juvenal, Satire III.]