Due to this pleiotropic function for dysregulating biological events, 2-HG is regarded as an oncometabolite that exerts tumor-inducing actions, and searches for IDH gene mutations have been performed in various types of malignancies [1 ,2 ].
It ought not to be doubted but that there will yet be a time of so copious an effusion of the Holy Spirit, as will invigorate it afresh and make it spring up, out of its macilent withered state, into its primitive liveliness and beauty.
Whereunto are required, not only true and faithfull ministers, but especallye, that the bokes of the holye Scripture be well and truely translated and printed also, both to take away all occasions of scismes and heresies, that by reason of impropre translation and false printe many times do rise amonge the simple and ignoraunt people, and also to stoppe the mouthes of the adversarie part, whych upon suche faultes, take a boldnesse to blaspheme and misreport this heavenly doctrine, nowe so plentifully set forth unto us, thorowe your Graces moste prudente and godlye carefulnesse.
Jeffries pioneered the coinage of distinctive seduction lingo—his most widely used neologism: “sarging,” named after his cat Sarge and meaning trolling the bars for desirable women—as well as the use of the Internet.