Backed by an expansive and brutal security system, Mr. Lukashenko shows no sign of losing his grip at home, if at the cost of becoming Mr. Putin’s enfeebled satrap.
The heavyhanded loyalty oath and affidavit requirements of the NDEA fellowships have received a great deal of publicity, but the real coercive effect of NDEA on graduate education has little to do with such know-nothing excrescences.
On traction, the Report adds little to existing knowledge, save a question-begging observation that enough experience has been gained on electric and hydraulic transmission systems to enable conclusions to be drawn on the relative merits of each.
What is the poyson in the tooth of serpents, and of thelamprey, and the mus araneus, and the trantula, but the gall? which according to the condition and qualitye of the creature, as the spirits that accompany those ejactulations are more subtile, aerial, or fierye, soe they appeare more or lesse furious in their effects; whereas, those parts (by which they ejaculate this gall) being taken away, the other parts become not only edible and of high nourishment, as in the thornback and lamprey, and in the honey of the bee; but in some they become the most soveraigne antidotes, as in the flesh of vipers: nay, the very spirits of some of these being received into apte bodyes, in their full strength, imprint such an alexipharmacal or alexitarial virtue into those bodyes, against all poyson, as seemes almost miraculous, as in viper wine and oyle of scorpions.