The wedge-shaped character was the triangle, the archaic Paleolithic sign of the vulva; the pubic triangle was at the end of the phallic stylus.
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Now I have enquired, how it cometh to paſſe that there is ſo great ſtore of Honey in Moſcovia; conſidering the Winters are extreame cold, and alſo very long: and I am credibly informed that firſt, the ſpring when it beginneth, cometh extraordinary faſt, that the dayes are very long, and the Summers farre dryer then ours here in England, ſo that the Bees are not hindred by continual ſhowers; as they are ſome yeares here in this Iſle: and laſtly, that the Countrey aboundeth much with Firs, and Pine-trees, which the Inhabitants uſually cut, that the Gumme, Roſinous or Turpentine ſubſtance may ſweate forth, to which places the Bees do come, and preſently fill themſelves, and returne laden: and perhaps for theſe very reaſons, Bees thrive very much in New-England.
Likewise, “hassling”—mock dogfighting—was strictly forbidden, and so naturally young fighter jocks could hardly wait to go up in, say, a pair of F–100s and start the duel by making a pass at each other at 800 miles an hour, […]