to keep one's temper; to lose one's temper; to recover one's temper
they […] let their temed fishes softly swim / Along the margent of the fomy shore, / Least they their finnes should bruze, and surbate sore / Their tender feet vpon the stony ground […]
Members of the book trade evoked another contemporary term, chronique scandaleuse, cautiously. Schütz, for example, insisted that Casanova's Memoirs should not be considered a chronique scandaleuse. Books in this category, he wrote, subordinated aesthetic, philosophical, and narrative values to the goal of arousal. He wrote that the chronique scandaleuse was also marked by the type of reading practice it fostered: a focus not on the whole of the narrative but on salacious passages mined for sensual pleasure.
Whole families are often obliged to live in one—or two—room apartments, inconducive either to good morals or good health.
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