Meanwhile support for the ‘puppet’ antipope Nicholas V, deprived of his protector and by now excommunicated along with his emperor, rapidly withered away.
We ſhould ſtudy to be skilful Confeſſaries, as well as good Preachers, to know when and how to uſe the Power of remitting and retaining Sins, of bleſſing the People, and of adminiſtring the Chriſtian Sacrifices aright. Theſe things God expects indiſpenſably from us, as well as Preaching, and of which let me ſay to thoſe, who as it were devote themſelves to the one, and neglect the other, theſe things ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone, That of the two, requires our Care at leaſt as much as this, tho’ it is now ſo much diſſuſed, chiefly I fear by the want of Pœnitential Canons, which every Biſhop of any Country may ſupply in his own Dioceſs, till the whole College can make pœnitential Canons for the Dioceſſes of the National Church.
So, a newly respawned opponent can fall prey to the wallbang from Passageway if players are lucky enough.
Two corbitas have arrived at the shipwright in Pompeii, back from Persia; on board are the fine silks and spices that I ordered.