As a result of Treemageddon, the power lines all over the tri-state area are a tangled mess.
She did keep getting on at him a lot.
These country girls, as they were called, had queer names, which added to the singularity of their appearance. Samantha, Triphena, Plumy, Leafy, Ruhamah, Lovey, and Florilla were among them.
AS the Devil is not so Black as he is Painted, so neither does he appear in so many Shapes as we make for him; we Dress him up in more Suits of Cloaths, and more Masquerade Habits, than ever he wore; and I question much, if he was to see the Pictures and Figures which we call Devil, whether he would know himself by some of them or no.
IT would require more Skill than, I doubt, I am Master of, to bring you all to a right Method of thinking upon this Subject; however I shall venture upon it by way of Essay, that you may form such Images of the old Gentleman in your Mind, that you may not be cheated about him, may know him when you see him, may not call him out of his Name, or bestow his Right Wor∣shipful Titles upon another.