Filled up the Ashton with Capstan and had a totally British drive home. Thanks to the wizardry of Ashton and Imperial Tobacco, that first smoke in a new pipe was sweet as a nut.
Of her husband, now a successful attorney, she says: "He's no Eminem, but he's not a buck-toothed, tractor-driving white boy either. He's a cool, worldly dude.
Eh, what! cried Kurz, who had been winning [the card game] lately, how can he get cold feet? / So? said the rector, hotly, for he was determined to retain his winnings, haven't I as good a right to cold feet as you? Don't you always get cold feet, at our club, when you have had good luck? and he carried it out, he kept his cold feet, and his winnings, […]
He snatches away the piece of sacking that is supposed to retain the caloric in the loins of his horse, goes through a series of evolutions in order to bring his cab alongside the kerb-stone, a process which could not be adequately described without the aid of diagrams, and which the uninitiated might consider was for the purpose of driving the horse in at the open door of the vehicle, instead of putting the passenger there.