[…] by Zamenhof (with the exception of the second volume of Fabeloj de Andersen and La Biblio), collected with microsopic and almost incredible thoroughness, and preceded by a brilliant monograph on the Esperantization of proper names.
Her pleasant tutor, for such I must call Master Ascham, hath writ that nothing could distract her from these her wondrous and unsexlike studies.
Therefore in Novial, as well as in Esp-Ido, we simplify the spelling in all words containing double letters in the national languages, from which the words are taken: pasa (E pass, F passer), efekte, komun (F commun, E common), etc. In this we follow the beautiful example of Spanish, which writes pasar, efecto, común, etc., and even extend it to cases in which Spanish makes a distinction in sound and spelling, as with ll and rr: bel S bello, F belle, koresponda, S corresponder, etc.
But when he found that some of his interrogatories were evaded, and others answered undecisively, the look of gentleness which he had assumed, vanished, and his brow wore the cloud of disappointment and of anger.