I would describe the lewd behavior, but I have POS right now, so I'll change the topic of this conversation, in order to prevent my punishment.
These igneous suites may represent nearshore phases of the major offshore ophiolite accumulations, and the presence of micaceous quartzofeldspathic sandstones is similar to lithologic associations in some parts of the Matakaoa Volcanics at East Cape (Pirajno 1980).
[A]ll the inhabitauntes confortynge and exhortynge eche other to die, rather than to violate the leage and amitie that they of longe tyme had contynued with the Romaynes, by one hole assent, after that they hadde made sondry great pyles of wode and of other mater to brenne, they layde in it all their goodes and substaunce, and laste of all, conuayenge them selfes in to the saide pyles or bonefires with their wyfes and children, sette all on fire, and there were brenned or Annyballe coulde entree the citie.
Jackson's 'Still Small Voice' was 'worthy of a promag' thought NORMAN ASHFIELD
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