There is good reason for believing that, before this period, the Romans had a settlement to the north of the Grampians, of which Pteroton, hodiernally Inverness, was the capital.
Sometime thereafter, whilst Ronald was on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, Harold the Wicked, Earl of Orkney, spent the winter at Wick, and was robbed of the rents of his estates in Zetland by Swen the pirate, whose stronghold was at Lambsburgh, hodiernally Buchollie's Castle in Canis- bay, near the northern boundary of the parish of Wick.
Eir sentences would sound smoother since ey wouldn't clutter them with the old sexist pronouns. And if ey should trip up in the new usage, ey would only have emself to blame.
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It took quite some time to collect enough wooden nickels to equal anything of value. And what many customers didn't realize was that everything in the wooden nickel stores was priced higher than anywhere else.