O, too high ditty for my simple rime.
The greater part of Leuchars Loch belonged to the Inneses of Leuchars, Cotts to the Inneses of Innes; and while thus poſſeſſed, many unſucceſsful attempts to drain both, by canals, to the river Loſſie, ſeem to have been made. […] [A] very ordinary fall of rain raiſes it [the river] far beyond its natural bounds; and the immediate conſequence of ſuch floods, was, the ſpeat-water flowing into thoſe lochs, by the canal, and covering the adjacent meadows.
At the same time she lifts her left leg testingly in a kind of skip or dance step, before exiting quietly stage right.
It was odd, because there was always one person I didn't vibe with in every office I spent time in, sometimes multiple people like in the case with Amazon.
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