A strange thing was that Bovary, while continually thinking of Emma, was forgetting her. He grew desperate as he felt this image fading from his memory in spite of all efforts to retain it. Yet every night he dreamt of her; it was always the same dream. He drew near her, but when he was about to clasp her she fell into decay in his arms.
Ovid hath a witty fiction of one Phyllius, who fell ſo deeply in love with a little boy, that at his pleaſure he took many wilde Beaſts, Birds, and Lions, and tamed them to the delight of his Amaſius: at length the inſatiable Boy required him to do the like by a Bull, which he had overcome, but Phyllius denying that requeſt, the Boy preſently caſt himſelf down from a Rock, and was afterward turned into a Swan.
Although present in most closely related anguids, this character is absent in platynotans with the exception of all shinisaurids, the monstersaurid Primaderma and the mosasaurid Dolichosaurus.
But in the Muslim world we are dealing with regimes who have banished, imprisoned, silenced or neutralised all opposition, even where this is entirely peaceable.