“If I chose,” said she, “to remain a spinster, is that any reason why every bespectacled spindleshanks sitting under an outrageous sign should remark upon it?” “Spindleshanks?” said I. “Am I to understand that you refer to me as Spindleshanks?" You are, she said, shortly. “I may not,” said I, with dignity, “have the lower extremities of a Grecian athlete in marble, but I assure you that, such as they are, my limbs are ample for my proportions.
And the gay lakin, mistress Fitton, mount and cry O, and his dainty birdsnies, lady Penelope Rich, a clean quality woman is suited for a player, and the punks of the bankside, a penny a time.
Memet Azizi, director of Cele County's bureau of education, said that Tianjin's help had brought them hope for the future. With support from Tianjin, a standard football field and training center was constructed at Cele County's No. 1 Primary School.
He continued in this tone, noting that lands well ungifted in toneart—we know that altho the Jews are the most numberful of all the mindtilthed ((educated)) races in Europe (races lacking in mindtilth may birth lovelier toneart than mindtilled …