The body design has been carried out to the requirements of the B.T.C. Design Panel in association with the Design Research Unit and its lines are described as intentionally unelaborate .
And these outstrippings and outmodings, they assert, were necessary and desirable, considering the internal limitations of the lyric form.
We go along the walk-ways, among trees, shrubs and flowers. In that world, the buzzing of insects is rife. Once settled, they preen, crawl or sting, as is their wont. Yet they too do God's work.
In two winks and a sneeze the staid old Coast League diamond became transformed Into a dusty corral crowded with bucking mounts, gaily-scarfed vaqueros, daring cowgirls, snorting steers, be-Stetsoned past-masters with the lariat, “six-gun” specialists and whooping Indians—Doug Fairbanks and his efficient aides had torn a page from the history of the olden West, touched the words of Bret Harte and Emerson Hough with art’s mysterious alchemy and rethroned the hard riding, chance-taking cigarette-consuming daredevil of the range.