Also if you are “crossgrading” from another platform such as Apple Logic, Mark of the Unicorn (MOTU) Digital Performer, or Steinberg Cubase, you may be looking for features or trying to use keyboard commands that you are used to and wondering where these are in Pro Tools.
The Commissionairess. Have you noticed how the women doorkeepers outside the big stores have already hit off exactly the pose of the old commissionaires? There is something about a doorkeeper unlike any other mortal—a certain Olympian, if polite, contempt of the ordinary shopping person, a congenital distrust of the lap dog. Woman, wonderful creature, has acquired all that in a week. She treads the pavement as though she had just bought it; she glances up at the shop windows, not with a woman’s usual acquisitive glance, but with a “still there, are you?” look. To see her blow her whistle is an education; to see her summon a motor is an event.
And the findings could cut both ways. / It's certainly possible that an intruder was responsible for the murder, but I don't think that the DNA evidence proves it, said William C. Thompson […] Similarly, the findings don't implicate or exonerate anyone in the family.
[The patrimony of the King's children] was not to be recovered but by […] a bloody and uncertain war, and setting all Christendom together by the ears.