Since first tossing its cartoonish, good-time cock-rock to the masses in the early ’00s, The Darkness has always fallen back on this defense: The band is a joke, but hey, it’s a good joke. With Hot Cakes—the group’s third album, and first since reforming last year—the laughter has died. In its place is the sad wheeze of the last surviving party balloon slowly, listlessly deflating.
Weft ward beyond the Province of Peking lies Xanſi on the North whereof lies the great Wall, and behind that the Tartar Kingdom of Tangu and the Deſert Xamo. This Province is divided into five Counties, having eighty ſix Cities, and tho not very big, yet is pleaſant. The City Taiyuen is the Metropolis, which for its Antiquity of Building, ſtately and brave Edifices, is accounted amongſt the beſt Cities of China : At the City Pingiany the Emperor Jau kept his Court within the Walls ; and Without the Gates of Fuencheu ſtands two ſtately, ancient, and magnificent Buildings.
The study of the main body of Hittite texts was intrusted to the Austrian scholar Hrozny, who in 1915 published a preliminary account of his results[…]
The case was that of a murder. It had an element of mystery about it, however, which was puzzling the authorities. A turban and loincloth soaked in blood had been found; also a staff.