She is probably assigning me a price (she works for the auctioneeress, so she must know how much money it takes to stop a bowl with my features).[…]Nikki tries to see the auctioneeress, but she is out.[…]Rosa has told him that I’ve been given back to the custody of the auctioneeress, and she, conveniently, as Rosa knows, is away on holiday for two weeks in an unobtainable style. Which is doubly convenient for Rosa, since the auctioneeress, too, has been asking for me.[…]She planned to stay for a few weeks, but she gets a call from the auctioneeress telling her about a pair of earrings.[…]The auctioneeress arrives, and I am packed away.[…]We stop outside as the auctioneeress delves into her purse for her car keys. The auctioneeress can’t hear it, but I can perceive the phone ringing in Rosa’s flat.
In Newport, R. I., the clambake is more than just a way to pass a summer afternoon; it’s a beloved New England tradition that locals take very seriously. […] Traditionally, a clambake involves building a fire pit, coating the hot rocks and coals with seaweed and cooking a mélange of treats — lobsters, clams, sausage, potatoes, corn on the cob — topped with a wet tarp.
Once a term of homophobic abuse, the term “queer” has been reclaimed as a marker for some gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender (GLBT), and other marginalized sexual identities.
After tripping, Sara tried to play her embarrassment off by laughing with everyone else.